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Helping Fabricators Build Canada

Over 40 Years

Products  You  Need

Quality You Can Trust

Why Ian Jones Sales?

Ian Jones Sales Company (IJS), is a wholly owned subsidiary of MegaFab, offering sales, service, parts and tooling to the Canadian metal fabrication market for all MegaFab brands, along with several other leading fabricating equipment manufacturers. As a master importer for Canada, IJS provides multiple distribution capabilities for all its product lines.

Located in Ontario, Canada, IJS has grown substantially over their 40 year history. It has always been our purpose to provide customers the best value in fabrication machinery along with service and punctuality as top priority. With this philosophy, IJS is proud to have a widespread customer base and an outstanding reputation in the industry.

IJS offers the Canadian metal fabricator the finest machinery, tooling and parts at competitive prices. Through a series of direct technical specialists and a network of local dealers, IJS products are available coast to coast.

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